Cowboy Family Tokyo
Studio Adventure Hanoi
初期FUTURE TERRORやその周辺のシーンに影響を受けて活動をスタートして以来、千葉ローカルシーンの筆頭として関東圏のみならず日本各地のパーティーで腕を振るっている。
2018年、盟友Mr.Ho 主催のHouse Of Ho @ 宀Club Hong Kongにて初の国外Gigを経験。その後、MelbourneのCity Power、HanoiのStudio Adventureなど各地の重要なパーティを経て、House Of Hoの1st.Anniversaryにも出演を果たす。
現在はCowboy Family Tokyo、Studio Adventure Hanoiのレジデントとして東京、ベトナム、香港、中国などアジアアンダーグラウンドを中心に活動中。
Wada is a DJ based in Tokyo, Japan. He started his career with the influence of FUTURE TERROR and the scene around it. Ever since then, he has been getting gigs in other parts of Japan as well such as Shizuoka, Osaka, and Kita-Kyushu.
What makes his DJ very special is consistency of the groove although songs he plays are very diverse. You will see strong funkiness created from machine groove through his style.
He is now a member of the DJ crew Cowboy Family in Tokyo and Residents of Studio Adventure in Hanoi