2016年以来、ロンドンを拠点として活動するForest Drive Westは、Livity Sound、Hidden
Hawaii、Rupture Londonといったレーベルからのリリースで、高い評価を受け、カタログは以
彼の奏でる音楽は、UKアンダーグラウンドをはじめ海外でも話題を呼び、Resident Advisor
の’Breaking through’特集や、2018年末にLivity Soundからリリースされた2枚組LP
の「Jungle Crack」と「Set free」EPは、サウンドデザインと複雑なリズムの見事なコマンド
これらの作品は、Rupture Londonで最も人気のあるリリースのひとつである。
Since 2016, London based Forest Drive West has been building a rapidly growing catalogue of
releases, receiving critical acclaim for records on labels such as Livity Sound, Hidden Hawaii
and Rupture London.
His music has created a stir across the UK underground and beyond, resulting in a Resident
Advisor ‘Breaking through..’ feature and an XLR8R mix to coincide with his superlative debut
long player ‘Apparitions’ on Livity Sound in late 2018.
As fuent in jungle as the atmospheric techno of his earlier releases, his ‘Jungle Crack and ‘Set
free’ ep’s show a stunning command of sound design and complex rhythms.
They remain some of Rupture London’s most sought after releases.
Already an accomplished DJ, he is now touring extensively and is currently developing a live
show set to debut in 2019.