福島県出身、郡山市在住。2010年代後期より電子音楽の楽曲制作を始める。10代の頃からUSオルタナティヴ/ハードコアパンクの音楽及びその文化の洗礼を受け、Rebel One Excaliburのドラマーとしても活動している。活動を通し様々な音楽に触れる中でテクノ/エクスペリメンタル/ミニマル/ノイズに触手を伸ばす。自身のバンド、ソロにおいて福島県を中心に日本各地、海外での演奏を行いつつ、地元郡山のスタジオ/クラブ/ライブハウスなどあらゆるオルタナティヴな空間に身を置き、日々うごめくように生活する。また、郡山で2024年に稼動し始めたクラフトビールの醸造所「PIRONO BEER」のオーナー兼醸造家でもある。
Fukushima Prefecture native, currently residing in Koriyama City. He began producing electronic music in the late 2010s and has been influenced by US alternative/hardcore punk music and its culture since his teenage years. Additionally, he serves as the drummer for Rebel One Excalibur. Developing an interest in techno/experimental/minimal/noise through various musical experiences, he performs with his own band and as a solo artist across Fukushima Prefecture, various locations in Japan, and overseas. He immerses himself in alternative spaces like studios, clubs, and live venues in his hometown of Koriyama. Apart from his musical endeavors, he is also the owner and brewer of “PIRONO BEER,” a craft brewery that began operations in Koriyama in 2024.