DJ。房州千葉県出身。在住。10代の頃はハードコア・パンクの明け暮れだった 彼も、いつしかダンスミュージックのドープな側面に魅了され自身のDJキャリアをスタートさせる。数々の魂の遍歴を経て現在千葉のリアル アンダーグラウン ドパーティー【BLACK FOREST】主催兼取締役DJ。プレイスタイルはディープかつダイナミックで、フロアの空気を読みつつも確実に自分色に染め上げて行くプレイには中毒性 があり、一回ハマると社会復帰は困難になる。シマを動かず。シッポは振らず。頑固に一つ事を貫くDJ KURIは現在その勢力を全国に拡大中!!!!
DJ KURI hails from Chiba Prefecture’s Boso region, where he currently resides. During his teenage years, he immersed himself in the hardcore punk scene but later found himself drawn to the electrifying realm of dance music, leading him to embark on his own DJ career. Through a multitude of soul-searching journeys, he now promotes Chiba’s real underground party “BLACK FOREST,” where he plays the prominent role as the organizer and resident DJ. His playing style is both deep and dynamic, possessing an addictive quality as he reads the vibe of the dance floor and paints it with his own distinct hues. Once you’re hooked, returning to society becomes a real challenge. Unwavering in his principles, he remains firm in his hometown, refusing to compromise, and is expanding his influence nationwide!!!!